Patient Allergic to Anesthetic Seeks Attorney for Cognitive Deficits

Marc Leffler, DDS, Esq.
November 4, 2024

Reading time: 8 minutes

Woman receiving dental procedure.

To promote patient safety, dentists should be aware of any allergens in dental products before starting treatment. In this case study, a patient allergic to maraschino cherries develops cognitive deficits after taking a topical anesthetic containing red dye #40. Later, the patient accuses the dentist of negligence.

Key Concepts

  • Dental standard of care and office protocol
  • Disagreement between dental experts
  • Evaluating a patient’s medical history 


Addressing the final legal issue above first, the dentist’s personal input is an important factor in how he wishes to proceed in litigation. The dentist will have the option of either (1) defending his actions before a jury at trial, or (2) in situations where the dentist has what is known as a “consent provision” in the malpractice policy, electing to consent to settle the lawsuit, thereby giving his insurance company the ability to determine whether early resolution of the lawsuit via settlement in lieu of proceeding to trial is the better option. Another factor sometimes considered is that of sympathy. While judges will generally instruct jurors that they are to exclude sympathy from their deliberations and verdicts, the human mind of those jurors might well be unable to make that exclusion, even unknowingly, as hard as they might try to do so.

Considering the major point of expert criticism against Dr. R, that of investigating all reported allergies, a larger tent within which to view this is that it is the obligation of dentists to appropriately explore all aspects of the patient’s stated medical history to the point that the dentist has a clear understanding that the planned treatment will be able to be performed safely, in all respects. Sometimes that exploration involves the dentist becoming (re)familiar with the conditions presented. Sometimes it involves a phone call to a medical colleague or two to discuss the patient’s issues and potential fallout, and sometimes it means referring a patient to a physician, whether it’s their own established practitioner or one of the dentist’s choosing. Whichever way a dentist elects to assure patient safety, the critical end point is that patient safety must be assured.

This case demonstrates a number of circumstances that led to delays in the treatment of Y, once the emergency came about. One of those which was addressed by Y’s expert was that of failing to establish an office protocol such that a staff member can quickly and comfortably alert the dentist to a problem that requires immediate attention. An approach – but by no means the only approach – to enable the communication of a serious concern without disturbing other patients is to set up a code word to be use between dentists and staff that indicates the need for prompt attention. We suggest using a word not commonly used in everyday interactions, such as “Saskatchewan” or “marmalade” (or any other term agreed upon), which is never spoken in the office except in emergencies. A second issue raised by Y’s expert was the immediate unavailability of oxygen, here due to the valve not having been opened before patients started to be seen that day. Oxygen is an important emergency drug, so it is more than appropriate for it to be ready to be used with virtually no notice. The same approach might be employed for other drugs and/or equipment that play a crucial role in emergency care.

Finally, we note the disagreement between experts regarding the propriety of a dentist leaving the treatment room while waiting for local anesthesia to take effect before starting the procedure. Disagreements among experts are the norm, rather than the exception, so matters of judgment should be exercised with due thought, weighing all considerations, and having a willingness and ability to defend the choice, not based upon “this is what I always do,” but instead, “this is why I do that.” The former carries little jury weight, while the latter sends the message of professionalism.

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This document does not constitute legal or medical advice and should not be construed as rules or establishing a standard of care. Because the facts applicable to your situation may vary, or the laws applicable in your jurisdiction may differ, please contact your attorney or other professional advisors if you have any questions related to your legal or medical obligations or rights, state or federal laws, contract interpretation, or other legal questions.

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